6 Key Sound Attributes to Help Your Video Go Viral

6 Key Sound Attributes to Help Your Video Go Viral


There is a very long list of songs and audio clips that have helped create trends, new content, new followers, and often help break songs or artists. Sometimes a trend happens using an "oldie but goodie" and introduces a younger audience to an artist from the past, as was the case for this piece of content. I'm positive Fleetwood Mack, Mick Fleetwood and Ocean Spray, all appreciated the opportunity (Mick famously even responded with his own video). In turn, that viral content also helped launched the career of Doggface (aka Nathan Apodoca) who is now taking on acting roles. The publicity behind this viral phenomenon was a win-win for everyone.

And then there are the missed opportunities... I’m sure you’ve seen the cutest audio bite "I want to be a marshmallow" being used in a variety of ways on socials. Who can resist that little voice saying "wobble 'round"? IMHO, this was a missed opportunity for a few key brands: Jet Puffed, Kraft and Nabisco where you at? It was tee'd up so perfectly...

There's also this year long strong audio trend which is super relatable, unexpected, and is also my favorite morning mantra.

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